Unknown persons have cut the padlock from a gate to the field. They have entered the field and then cut the padlock from the lock to the gain access to a tack room. Once inside they have taken a petrol generator.
A car was found burnt out towards the rear of the Westbury White Horse.
A male was walking his dog at heel off the lead in a field. Two dogs have run at speed towards the males dog, the second larger dog has jumped at the males dog and sunk their teeth into its neck, causing injury, necessitating a visit to the vets.
A Staffordshire Terrier type dog has attacked the another dog, causing a puncture wound to the back which was not serious. Dog owners are reminded to ensure that their dogs are kept under control to prevent injury to other animals and people.
A petrol strimmer was taken from an insecure shed. The strimmer is described as being a Stihl which is orange and white in colour.
The police have had increasing reports about riders of quad bikes and motorbikes riding anti socially. These riders are riding on BRIDLE WAYS as well as byways and roads. We have had reports that they are even riding in farmers fields and within the red flag zone on Salisbury Plain.
On Sunday 30th September 2012 one police report relates to quad bikes travelling along the bridle way between the Wessex Ridgeway and the Equestrian Centre, Newtown. A rider has rode along the bridle way and spooked a horse in which a 12 year old female was subsequently thrown from causing her minor injury. The rider did not stop.This could have easily caused the female more serious injury. On the same day a male and female were walking their dog on the same bridle way, when a quad bike forced the male and female into a bramble hedge, luckily causing no injury but still caused them to be alarmed and shocked by the incident.
These vehicles are not permitted to use the bridle ways regardless if they are road legal (driving licence, insurance and MOT). These routes are for pedestrians, persons on pedal cycles and persons on horseback. If these riders use BYWAYS then they need to be road legal. Riders using fields/land need to have the land owners written permission as they could be committing offences such as criminal damage.
I am asking these riders to be responsible in order to prevent injury to pedestrians and other users in the area.
Darren & Luke