This is the latest Parish report for January/February.
An unknown suspect has damaged a front bedroom window but there was no entry gained to the property.
Unknown suspects have gained entry to 3 outbuildings by cutting the padlocks off the doors and have stolen tools. Items stolen are an air rifle, Performance 240v drill, Clark Toolbox which is black and gold containing various tools valued at £800.
An intoxicated male has caused nuisance and was being abusive. He refused to calm down or leave and was arrested.
A known suspect was seen in suspicious circumstances in Melbourne Street.
The male was stopped and searched by Police Officers and was found to have a small amount of cannabis. The male was issued with cannabis street warning.
Unknown suspects have entered a field via 3 gates, leaving them all open.
They have also entered the yard and let down the tyre on one of his tractors in the Capps Lane area.
A driver was stopped and during police checks the driver had his vehicle seized due to him having no insurance or driving licence in Park Lane.
Dilton Marsh
A male was stopped in a vehicle which was subsequently searched. The male was arrested on suspicion possessing Class A and Class B drugs.
Unknown suspects have siphoned oil out of an outdoor oil tank in the Clivey area.
Unknown suspects have used large spanners to take apart gate furniture to remove a metal gate from its fixings. Gate was part of a pair and the second gate was left untouched. The gate is described as being a 13 foot by 7 bar galvanized iron farmers gate.
The NPT would like to ask all members of the community to report all suspicious vehicles and persons.
Darren & Luke