Edington & Tinhead WI has been in existence since Friday 11 March 1938 when the inaugural meeting took place in the ‘Parish Room’ and we still have descendants of some of the original members resident in the village today.

As part of their 80th birthday celebrations, the March meeting took place at Devizes Museum where the Director, David Dawson, gave a brief history of the museum prior to giving a guided tour of the Pre-History gallery which covered the years 3000BC – 1000BC.  He brought alive how our ancestors lived and worshipped the sun at Stonehenge and other sites during that time.  The most precious gold, jet and amber objects from the period tell the story of the people who lived in and around Stonehenge when the monument was one of the great religious focal points of western Europe.  Indeed, many of the items on show may well have been worn by Bronze Age priests and chieftains as they worshipped inside Stonehenge itself.  What a fascinating insight into our local history!

Also discovered in the Museum Shop, nestled amongst a wide variety of interesting books was one entitled ‘Inspired to Teach’ detailing the life and history of The College of Sarum St Michael (formerly Salisbury Teacher Training College), co-authored by Jenny Head & Anne Johns.  Anne, who is a member of Edington & Tinhead WI, trained at the College and taught in Warminster and Salisbury before becoming a school inspector.  Profits from the sale of this and a second book shortly to be published, go towards supporting the education of children in South Sudan and over £6000 has currently been donated.  Congratulations must go to both Anne & Jenny.

Finally, the members repaired to the lecture room together with their guests from the Federation – Steffy Pawling, Viv Penny and Jenny Coates – for bubbly and cake and Joan Gifford, the Federation Chair who just happens to be a member of Edington & Tinhead WI, proposed a toast to its 80th birthday.  Long may it continue!

April’s meeting will be in Edington Parish Hall on Tuesday 10 April at 7:30pm and the members will be immersing themselves in Dirty History – the story of soap and laundry! Visitors are always very welcome, so do come along.


Edington & Tinhead WI member Anne Johns, with a copy of her book ‘Inspired To Teach’ which is on sale at Devizes Museum