Edington Parish Council News for September

PLAY FIELD   We are pleased to report that the new play equipment is now in place. Our thanks go to local organisations particularly the May Ball and the Three Daggers that have generously contributed. The tractor has also had an overhaul, thanks to the hard work of Mr Lupton.   We hope the Children of the village will enjoy the new equipment for many years to come.

PARKING  we have been notified of difficulties with inappropriately parked cars particularly around The Green and at the entrance of Downsview . We appreciate that many village houses have no integral parking but please have consideration for your neighbours  and leave  access for emergency and farm vehicles when parking

BRATTON SURGERY   The Parish Council wrote to White Horse Health Centre with concerns at the diminishing services and lack of nurses at Bratton Surgery. They have replied

“The Practice would like to assure villagers that there is no intention to cut services provided at Bratton . There has never been a conscious decision to reduce services either. We had to restructure at short notice which had an impact on our entire service.

We are hoping to schedule more Health care assistant surgeries at Bratton to increase availability of blood tests etc. We would like to hopefully provide regular Chronic Disease specialist nurse session for Bratton patients. This plan is largely dependent on staff resources.”

SPEED WATCH/ NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH We are looking for volunteers to re- establish these valuable services please contact Mr Geoff Lupton  831398 if interested

PARISH STEWARD SCHEME the county council have agreed to provide a person one day a month for routine maintenance eg  drains ,small pot holes, clearing paths, removing leaves etc. In October he did an excellent job clearing Smelly lane . If villagers see small jobs that need doing please contact Emily Greening Tel 830248

CHRISTMAS TREE advance notice:  We will be lighting the tree on  Sunday  11th   December. Details in next month’s magazine


.   Planning :-

(a) The following applications have been received:-

(i) 16/07348/FUL Alterations and extensions of existing dwelling. New roof structure with room in roof forming 4 bedrooms. Rebuilding existing garage and utility room at 1 Greatwoods for Mr W Harvey

(ii) 16/08233/FUL Two Storey Extension to Dwelling and Erection of Carport at Tudor Cottage 15 Westbury Road

Next meeting  14 November   7.30. Villagers welcome