We are now able to recruit to our Casual Vacancy. This is open to all Edington residents on the electoral register. Any interested parties please contact Malcolm Wieck 830256 or Edington Parish chairman Mike Swabey 830043 for more information.
There have been a number of recent incidents of theft from cars in the area, including one broken into in the church car park. To avoid this happening please do not leave valuables visible in your car.
Dog fouling hot spot this month is the Coal path. Maybe we should all take responsibility to name and shame the offenders.
The following applications have been received:-
(i) 16/01202/FUL Installation of a blind dormer and internal alterations to create a granny annex (accommodation ancillary to the main house) at land adjoining 11 Inmead for Mr Rob Hart
(ii) 16/01792/TPO Fell Conifer T1-T3; Fell Lime tree T4; Reduce crown 20% and thin by 20% Yew T5;Beech T6 remove limb to west and crown reduction to match adjoining tree; fell conifer G1; at the Manor House 11 Lower Road for Mr A Edwards
Annual Parish Meeting
This will take place on Monday 23 April at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
The main topic is Edington Neighbourhood plan.
This is your plan the council needs your input to make it viable. Please come and let us know your views.
Cheese and wine will be available after the meeting.