Edington parish council report – February 2016
Departure : Andy Hinton will be leaving the village shortly so has tendered his resignation to the council. Andy has been an enthusiastic and valuable member of the council for many years, for many of which he held the office of vice chairman. He has spearheaded EVES which for years kept footpaths, the pond and general village maintenance in order until lack of volunteers from the village caused its demise. He has volunteered regularly for speed watch, started the cider club, and been a valuable member of the fair committee. He has thrown himself into all aspects of village life and will be a loss to the village. We wish him and his wife Deb every success in there new venture in Frome
Casual vacancy: with Andy’s departure we now have 2 casual vacancies on the council, these will be formally advertised in the near future. If any villagers are interested in finding out what the role involves please contact the clerk to the Parish Council, Malcolm Wieck telephone 830256
Neighbourhood plan. The council has now registered to start a neighbourhood plan. This will give the village a greater say on housing development local employment and facilities within the village. It is a village plan and needs full engagement of the villagers to succeed. We intend to outline what is involved and gauge village support at our Annual village meeting on 25 April
Speedwatch The council would like to thank Deb Hinton for her work as coordinator of speed watch. We now need a new coordinator. We cannot have the speed gun without a coordinator. It’s not a big job consisting of arranging a rota of volunteers for weeks we have the speed gun, and suppling the police with a record of what has been achieved. The coordinator does not have to use the speed gun but full training can be given if he/she would like to. If you are interested in becoming the coordinator or to join the list of volunteers we would love to hear from you please contact Malcolm on 830256 if interested. This service has helped slow traffic through the village and improves all our safety so it would be beneficial to the village if it can continue.
Good Neighbour Scheme It is with sadness that we say goodbye to this scheme. Lise Griffiths has achieved a lot in her time as coordinator, the vulnerable elderly will miss her input but hopefully the lunch clubs that she has started will continue. Thank you Lise for all your hard work. We wait with interest to see what service the county council replaces it with.
Queen’s birthday clean-up 5 March 9.30am We are joining with the nation for a day of cleaning the village. A litter pick will take place starting at 9.30am in the church car park. Litter picking equipment and high viz jackets will hopefully be supplied by the county council. Please come and join in, many hands make light work.
The street furniture is also in need of a tidy up, the benches lost us a lot of points in the best kept village competition last year. Please consider adopting a bench to maintain, if nobody comes forward then we will pay for them to be done. We try and keep the precept as low as possible but the less the village volunteers to do the more money we have to raise from you.
Street parties: The Queen’s birthday weekend is 11 and 12 June, the village Fair will be on the 11 June. If any villagers would like to organise street parties for their neighbourhood over this weekend Wiltshire county council have produced a leaflet to help you.
B3098 closure: We have received notice of temporary closure of the B3098 from 21 March to 8 April to enable essential road repairs and partial resurfacing, more details can be found on this website.
Dog fouling .We have had several incidences reported to the council again. This months black spots are Little Court Lane, Baynton Way, and the Coal Path. Could the offenders please have consideration for others as nobody likes stepping in dog mess