Edington Parish Council agree in principle proposal to enhance playfield

Playfield – Following the Parish meeting, the Parish Council met to discuss and decide whether they were in agreement in principle with the proposal put forward by the Three Daggers. The Council voted unanimously to agree in principle to accept the proposal and will now form a sub group who will undertake the detailed work on the proposal.

Planning Applications were discussed:- A proposed pool in the garden of Shore Hall, Tinhead Road. A proposed conversion of part of the garage into domestic accommodation at 46a Westbury Road.

Plans can be viewed in more detail on the Wiltshire Council website.

There was no objection by Wiltshire Council for appropriate pruning of trees at 9 Charlton Hill.

Speed watch has recently recorded cars being driven at speeds in excess of the speed limit at various locations in the village. Please drive with due care and attention to your safety and the safety of other road users.

The Westbury Area Board welcomes anyone to come to their next meeting. Westbury Community Area Board will be hosting the first Westbury Community Area Environment Forum on Tuesday 12 October, from 6pm until 8pm at Westbury Community Project.

The event will allow members of the public to come along and find out about various projects happening in the area as well as learn about renewable energy, electric car options and to engage with Wiltshire Climate Alliance.

Community Engagement Manager Graeme Morrison said, “The event is a great opportunity for local people to find out about local projects which aim to improve the local environment as well as learn about how they can do their bit to combat climate change. We have timed this event to encourage people to participate in Wiltshire Council’s Draft Climate Strategy Consultation which closes at the end of the week of the event”

Various local businesses, organisations and groups will be attending the event and hosting an exhibition stand and/or delivering talks to let people know about their projects  and the work they do.

Highways Matters. By the time you read this article, white lining on our stretch of B3098 will hopefully have been completed. There is an ongoing problem with the surface of Salisbury Hollow. The Hollow is hazardous for walkers, so please take care when using this route up and down the hill. The Parish Council continue to work with Wiltshire Council to find a long term solution to the problems in the Hollow.

Work will be carried out in the area around Woodbridge between the 25th and the 29th of October 2021.

Liz Pike has become our Climate Change representative working with Bratton Parish Council.

Legacy. We are very grateful for a legacy from the estate of the late Margaret Barker. The gift of £5000 will be used appropriately in the future.