Edington & District Gardening Club – First Thursday in the month, Parish Hall 7.30pm
September saw our 12th Flower & Produce Show in Edington. As usual it is a good excuse for a get together and chat over the wonderful exhibits and a delicious cream tea! This year we were delighted the Under 5’s joined in and we will take on board their suggestions for next year. Overall there were just about 160 entries, slightly down on last year but as good as ever.
It was good to have 2 entries in the Village Shield competition with the WI and the Gardening Club battling it out for the points. Both entries were extremely good with the Gardening club just coming out on top. The Children’s cup was won by Harriet Marshall and the Best Gross overall winner was Sandie Lewis with 90 points. The Silver Salver was won by Edward Callaway with 39 points out of 40. The Best in show was Alison Eckett with her dessert apples.
Thank you to all the exhibitors, the committee, catering and the judges who all made it a lovely afternoon. See you next year! Why don’t you enter next time.
The October meeting is a speaker, Julie White, from Hestercombe. This meeting, October 5th, is open to visitors and other gardening clubs, so do come along, we look forward to seeing you.
Jacky Hiscock (tel. no. 830133)