Edington and District Gardening Club – October News

We are having a lovely autumn as I write and it is a very busy time in the garden. Grit your teeth and get rid of that old bedding…..sacrifice those last few flowers so that the bulbs you replace them with will have time to make good root systems before they put on their displays from the New Year onwards.
At Gardening Club we had a treat at our October meeting with a really expert talk from Terry and Mary Baker of the Botanic Nursery at Atworth. Although they are best known for their gold medals at all the major flower shows and their national collection of foxgloves, they are actually incredibly knowledgeable on shrubs and trees, particularly some often lesser known varieties.
We were treated to branches of the many rare shrubs and trees they grow and great knowledge about their habits and uses.  Who knew that there is no technical differentiation between a tree and a shrub and that experts debate which are which? Or that spindle trees are so-called because their wood was used to make spindles?
Anyway we were treated to an amazing array of plants, many bearing flowers or fruit or carrying autumn colour, and were heartened to hear that everything they grow is chalk tolerant and many can be kept small by pruning.
There were too many wonderful specimens to list, but you can see the plants at the nursery or garden which is open. You can get advice on what to grow for flowers, berries, seeds, stems, even peeling bark. Contact the Botanic Nursery for opening times as they close for much of winter.
In the meantime our November speaker (3rd) is Alice Palfrey, who will talk about Prior Park Gardens in Bath. Do come along as a visitor or new member. We usually meet at 7.30 on the first Thursday of the month in Edington Parish Hall. In December it is our Christmas social evening
Call for details about the Club or our speakers and trips.
Sandie Lewis
01380 830722