Edington & District Gardening Club
Summer appears to have arrived as I write, at least for a couple of days…and thunderstorms are forecast soon so we are all hoping our plant supports will hold out against the rain!
For our July meeting, Gill Hazell talked to us about classic, rare and unusual bulbs. We were treated to a photographic tour of the best bulbs on offer, from Amsterdam and South Africa in particular. When she started with just a mailing list, Gill grew mainly gladiolus and tulips and began to visit the Dutch shows, where her passion developed along with her business.
We saw classic tulips,narcissus, iris, fritillaries, alliums, pushkinias and crocus as well as some rarer forms including hardy orchids. Many of the slides were taken at major shows and gardens but some were in Gill’s own garden where new varieties are grown on trial. We were given tips on good soil mixtures, how to make hippeastrum (amaryllis) flower from year to year, and how to catch and despatch the dreaded lily beetle.
The website is currently under development but a catalogue is available through: greatwesterngladiolus.co.uk
In July members also visited Sherborne Castle Gardens and had a great time. We look forward to Stourhead on the 4th August.
If you would like to find out more, come along to a meeting as a visitor…..all the details you need are in the clubs section of the Edington Village website. If you want someone to introduce you to the first meeting, please do ring.
Remember the Edington & District Flower & Produce Show in Edington Parish Hall on 3rd September at 2 pm. Show schedules and applications are available on the website and from Edington Post Office.
Hope to see you there….it is always great fun and Wendy’s cream teas are a highlight…..
Sandie Lewis
Club Secretary
01380 830722