Edington & District Gardening Club February 2023 report

What a lovely way to start the New Year with a talk on House Plants. Lula from Pilea Plants, Frome, brought along a lovely array of plants, plant food, cans and sprays, information leaflets and books and her own wealth of knowledge.

There were lots of questions from members about their own houseplants and Lula had answers to them all.

Different plants need different care and position with their growing season between March and August. This is a good time to feed your plants. Gold leaf liquid feed has all the nutrients needed. Overwatering especially in winter during their rest period is why your plants will die. Watering from the top allows good drainage and allows the air to circulate. In general, don’t put plants in south facing windows. Houseplants need temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees, and a consistent temperature. Improve humidity by sitting plants on a tray of pebbles with water in it. A mister can be used to give plants some humidity as often as needed. Propagate the plants in Spring and Summer. Plants are good at purifying the air.

Lula will give you all the information on plants when you go in the shop and let you know which ones are suitable for you.