First Thursday in the Month from 7.00pm Parish Hall

Bob Biggs came along to a busy hall armed with a large assortment of herbs for us all to handle and smell. His knowledge, and enthusiasm was excellent. Bob runs the Wanborough Nusery with his son which supplies the wholesale trade and he can also be found at various market stalls, the nearest to us is at the Calne Market. Chives to Borage, Bergamot to Fennel, so many herbs to choose from. Make sure you read the labels to see where to plant and which ones will not work together as they may compete for the space especially if they are in a pot together. When cutting for use make sure you cut from the bottom of the stems so they will replenish themselves properly.

We welcomed 5 visitors and hope they will return to join us next month, The May meeting, Thursday 5th May this will be our AGM which starts at 7.15pm. Richard Rickitt will speak at 7.30pm ‘A Buzz in the Garden’

The Hall will be open at 7.00pm

Membership renewal will be due at this meeting £8. Entrance to the talk £2. Visitors £4.

Special offer this month £10 to include annual fee, entrance, and a free raffle ticket!

2022/23 Programmes and Show schedules will also be available.

Diary dates:

Tuesday 24th May (date change from July 27th) The Manor House, Stratford Tony, 6.15 start

Wednesday 22nd June Beggars Knoll, Westbury, 7.00pm start

Wednesday 10th August Lytes Cary Manor, Somerton 2.00pm start

Sign up at the meeting. Visitors are welcome to our visits, there will be an additional charge to non-members.

Jacky Hiscock (830133)