Contact Helen O’Donoghue on 830501 for more information
Helen, our president, welcomed 2 visitors to our May meeting.
She asked if anyone could use twitter and/or social media to promote our activities.
(We learned that any news put on the village website is also placed on the twitter feed).
Each meeting we bring and buy books for the WI charity ACWW (Association of the Country Women of the World), but this month we gave our donations of £63 to the Nepal Earthquake appeal.
As a campaigning organisation our WI debated the resolution that will be presented at the National Annual meeting at the Albert Hall in June where the Queen and Princess Anne will be present as part of our 100 years celebrations.
This year the resolution concerned an assessment of need in long term care. There is a blurred line between nursing care, administered by the NHS, and personal/social care administered by social services paying a proportion of the means tested costs often through private health care providers.
The resolution called for the distinction between these dual needs of people in care to be removed.
There was a lively discussion as to who would pay for this and whether the resolution was fit for purpose.
In the end the majority voted in favour of the resolution so our delegate will carry this vote with her.
Sarah Marshall will attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace in June; ask her if she bought a hat!
During the last 2 months:
- We heard and saw the slides from Roger White, our speaker for April, who regaled us with tales of the trip he made with his wife to Antarctica, S. Georgia and The Falklands. ”Not a cruise, an expedition” his wife said.
- We listened to Vera Tottingham talk about the visit she and five other members made to the NFWI Centenary Celebrations at the Wellington Academy, Tidworth. There were over 350 ladies present who were entertained during the morning with demonstrations on besom broom making and coppicing, clematis care, candle making and wood turning.
After a parade of wonderful banners made by WIs throughout Wiltshire and the passing of the centenary baton, the afternoon’s entertainment was a display of belly dancing, a wonderful sketch by Redlynch WI entitled “One Hundred Years of The WI” and a “Sing Up” with Jo Sercombe, one of our favourite tutors.
Some of our WI members have attended:
- a walk organised by Bratton WI in aid of ACWW;
- a Weavers meeting with other WIs listening to a screenwriter who wrote amongst other things the screen play for “Colour Purple” for Steven Spielberg;
- A skittles social evening with partners/husbands where we won on “pins”! It’s amazing what we can do when we relax.
- A talk by Virginia Ironside on “Growing Old Disgracefully”. This was highly entertaining.
If you have problems with your memory the acronym CRAFT is a useful aid memoir! Do you know what the letters stand for??
Come and talk to us at the Tea tent at the Edington fair on 6th June. Taste our cakes!!
You are welcome to our next meeting on 9th June at 7.30pm at the parish hall to hear John Clark talking about “Underwater Treasure Hunting”.