The Speaker at our next meeting on Tuesday 09/06/15 will be John Clark on Underwater Treasure Hunting. John has visited us previously and is a very polished and professional speaker; do bring any friends or neighbours who may be interested.
CENTENARY YEAR EVENTS: A date has been fixed for a coffee morning to be held jointly by us and the Under 5s. This will be at The Parish Hall on Thursday July 9th from 10.00-12.00. This should be a pleasant sociable event for our two groups and visitors and we hope to raise some money for the Wiltshire Children’s Hospice. A dreaded board will be going around at the meeting asking for help and cakes!! However U5s will obviously be doing their share. We will also have a Bring and Buy at the event.
WEAVERS DINNER: Please return your menu choice together with payment to Sarah ASAP.
Bratton W.I. has invited us to a Fun Skittles Match on September 2nd as part of their Centenary events; board going round at the meeting.
Meg Mc Glynn will be taking the lead in establishing us on social media and will speak to us at the meeting. Meg will also be able to address any concerns about access/ privacy. If the latter does worry you please speak to Meg or to me.
To look at what Meg has done so far go to:
EDINGTON FAIR: Only days away and helpers are thin on the ground! If you can help or know someone else who can please contact me. Also we need some more cool boxes on the day; please bring one if you have it.
Our July meeting will be a tour of Tracy Millers Farm followed by supper. We could return to the Hall for something simple [maybe a Ploughman’s] or go down to the Brewery bar. Thoughts at the meeting please. TVM will NOT be available so we will need chauffeurs!
W.I. calendars 2016 [starring Edington Priory Church] will be available at the meeting Volunteer needed to sell them in House.
See your Wiltshire Life and the events book for outings/activities etc.; particularly those closing at the meeting. Clare is away, so contact me if you want to attend an event but will not be at the meeting.