I was very pleased to have been able to recently support the Parish Council’s application for £2262 from Westbury Area Board, as part funding for improvements to the playing field equipment. It is clear that these funds, together with those donated within the community and from the Parish Council, will ensure that the facility remain in good order and in the heart of the community.
I am also glad to see that the handrail, on the path to the Parish Hall, has also now been fitted, again following an application to the Area Board. I hope this will aid getting to and from the hall for many people.
Focusing on the Christmas period, both my wife and myself, enjoyed the carols and meeting up with people at the lighting of the village Christmas tree on 14 December (and the mulled wine and mince pies!)
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and look forward to further representing Ethandune in 2015.