Villagers radiate rainbows in a window near you 🌈!
It’s contagious, bright rainbows have been popping up in the windows of Edington homes. And we’re hoping the number of these beautifully infectious rainbows will increase, as more and more people in Edington, of all ages, create their own rainbows. 🌈.
How many creative, colourful interpretations of rainbows will you see, as you drive through Edington or go on an isolated walk? Remember, as you go rainbow hunting, to follow guidelines on social distancing.
For those of you who can’t leave your homes to go rainbow spotting, please enjoy these creations, sent in by local families, to our very own website window.
It all started in the village as purely a ripple. An Edington Mum posted details of a growing ‘rainbow spotting’ movement on Facebook, to a local messaging group. And their kids, faced with no school on Monday, and the prospect of not seeing their friends for a while, immediately got busy!
There has been a sharing frenzy of pictures and positivity on the friendship group. All punctuated with what is fast becoming their symbol of support for one another – you guessed it – the rainbow emoji 🌈!
Look forward to seeing your own rainbow, in a window near us, soon! 🌈